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Disney Vacation Club Membership Benefits About Aulani Aulani Resort OverviewThe Disney DifferenceThe Aulani Resort StoryParking & TransportationGuest ServicesDisney Vacation Club at Aulani ResortMaps & DirectionsKnow Before You GoFree Vacation Planning BrochureIncluded With Your Stay Activities At Aulani ResortAll ActivitiesPool AreasBeach Activities Included With Your StayCharacter ExperiencesShows & EntertainmentShopping at Aulani ResortPhotography ServicesAround the IslandThings to Do in O‘ahuExcursionsGolfShopping around O‘ahuSpecial ExperiencesWeddings & CelebrationsMeetings & EventsHoneymoonsActivities MapsDaily ‘Iwa: Aulani Resort Activities CalendarPlaces of Interest on O’ahuAulani Resort AppExperience KA WA‘A – A Lū‘au at Aulani Resort Dining Resort DiningAll DiningTable ServiceQuick-Service DiningLounges & BarsDining MapsExperience KA WA‘A – A Lū‘au at Aulani Resort Spa & Fitness Laniwai – A Disney SpaSpa TherapiesFamily TreatmentsHydrotherapy GardenPainted Sky: HI Style StudioSalon ServicesFitness & Wellness Cart  My Aulani My ProfileMy Aulani Dashboard     Search Aulani.com Cancel      or Welcome, !   |   Retrieve Reservation   |   Sign outVisit Disney.com              Hawai‘i Excursions             Are You Ready for Paradise?       Meet Hawai‘i—its natural beauty, culture and character—and fall madly in love. Aulani Resort Excursions knows where to find the spectacular sunsets, welcoming people and rich history that make this island paradise so special. Come along and spot humpback whales on a catamaran cruise, tour O‘ahu‘s moving World War II memorials or hike to a hidden waterfall. All this and more is waiting for you. Are you ready?

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Pua'a 'Ahiu – The Wild Boar Off-Road ExpeditionPrice: Starting from $102.46Ride along steep ridgelines and muddy trails in an ex-military Pinzgauer all-terrain vehicle on this one-of-a-kind adventure.  Huaka‘i Iki – Little AdventurePrice: Starting from $102.45Miles back from the highway, hidden in the unspoiled rainforest that stretches across Waimea Valley, a “little adventure” awaits your eager footsteps.  Huaka‘i Nui – Big AdventurePrice: Starting from $118.64Journey into the misty, bountiful beauty of the Ko‘olau Mountain Range, ready for an epic helping of freshwater pools and vivid tropical flowers that will awaken your senses.  North Shore ExperiencePrice: Staring from $112.17Jump into the warm, world-famous waters of O‘ahu's North Shore in a splashtacular adventure that includes free-time in historic Hale‘iwa town.  Twin Islands Guided Kayak TourPrice: Starting from $193.05After some thorough instruction, paddle around spectacular Kailua Beach, steering your kayak toward 2 tiny, intriguing islets.  Self-Guided Kayaking DiscoveryPrice: Starting from $106.77Get ready for a magical morning of wet adventures—all centered around the perfect waters of Kailua Beach and the area's numerous other natural features.  Dolphin Encounter ProgramPrice: Starting from $150.99Meet the friendly dolphins of Sea Life Park Hawai‘i, learning about their daily lives and getting an up-close look at their high-energy behavior in an educational excursion.  Day on the Bay Activities PackagePrice: Starting from $119.72Plunge into the gorgeous blue waters of Maunalua Bay for your choice of splashtacular activities, ranging from bumper tubing to jet skiing—all against the backdrop of the Diamond Head and Koko Head craters.  One-Day Kaua‘i – Waimea Canyon & Fern Grotto ExperiencePrice: Starting from $495.73Spend the day on Kaua‘i, taking a drive to a majestic canyon and riding a riverboat to an historic grotto—the Garden Island is the unspoiled paradise you've always imagined.  One-Day Kaua‘i – Hawaiʻi Movie ToursPrice: Starting from $499.55Spend a fun-filled day on Kaua‘i, visiting the filming locations of such popular Hollywood productions as Fantasy Island, Tropic Thunder and The Descendants.  Pearl Harbor Remembered from Ko OlinaPrice: Starting from $110.01Experience a moving and unforgettable visit to O‘ahu's World War II memorials.  Pearl Harbor Excursion from Ko OlinaPrice: Starting from $51.77Immerse yourself in history as you tour the sites that were immortalized in the Pearl harbor attack.  Zip & Adventure Tower TourPrice: Starting from $215.69Combine the thrills of zipline with an aerial challenge course—complete with 18 exciting challenge elements, including freefall!  3 Line Zip TourPrice: Starting from $97.06Soar at the level of treetops on 3 ziplines at Coral Crater Adventure Park—and get a breathtaking view of O’ahu’s natural beauty.  6 Line Zip TourPrice: Starting from $150.99Fly across the sky at Coral Crater Adventure Park on 6 ziplines that skirt treetops and provide a dazzling view of paradise.  One-Hour Kapolei Surf LessonPrice: Starting from $139.13Discover ideal surfing programs for Guests who’ve never surfed before—and for kids 12 and under!  $(document).ready(function() { var uaAndroid = /Android/i; if( uaAndroid.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) { $('ul.card-layout-category-list > li').on( "touchend", function( evt ) { var $target = $( evt.target ); if( $target.is( "h2" ) && $target.parent().is( "li" ) ) { var ul = $(this).find('ul.card-layout-item-list'); if ($(this).hasClass('open')) { ul.slideUp(); $(this).removeClass('open'); } else { ul.slideDown(); $(this).addClass('open'); } } }); } else { $('ul.card-layout-category-list > li').click(function( evt ) { var $target = $( evt.target ); if( $target.is( "h2" ) && $target.parent().is( "li" ) ) { var ul = $(this).find('ul.card-layout-item-list'); if ($(this).hasClass('open')) { ul.slideUp(); $(this).removeClass('open'); } else { ul.slideDown(); $(this).addClass('open'); } } }); } }); $('ul.card-layout-category-list > li').each(function(){$(this).addClass('open');});                   Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa in Ko Olina, Hawai‘i   Please call (866) 443-4763 between 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM Pacific Time for assistance with your vacation. Guests under 18 years of age must have parent or guardian permission to call.   .nondesktop #storycard-group-PromoModule div.single:first-child, .nondesktop #storycard-group-PromoModule div.single:nth-child(2) {margin-bottom: 10px;} .nondesktop #storycard-group-PromoModule div.single:first-child {min-height: 400px;} #header img#logo { height: auto; } html[lang="ja"] .themes-media-player .mediaLauncher, html[lang="ja"] .themes-media-player .openMediaEngineButton{ display:none !important; } li.hover-card:before { font-family: "peptasia-icons"; content: "\e30c"; color: #e4e4e2; right: 0; position: absolute; top: 40%; font-size: 25px; } #header.mobile-version.expanded .nav-container { z-index:11; } .billboard-player .qq-top, .billboard-player .qq-bottom { position:relative; z-index:10; } /*.billboard-player .container { z-index:1; } */ #global-banner { z-index:15; } body[class^="home-3"]:not(.nondesktop) { padding-top: 84.5px; } body:not(".home-3") #header.mobile-version {height: 70px;} html[lang="ja"] #header:not(.mobile-version) div#logoWrapper { width: 175px; } html[lang="ja"] #header:not(.mobile-version) div.right-panel { right:0; top:0; } #header div.actions { padding-right: 0; } #main #srchAulani { display: none !important; } #header #callAulani:not(.mobile_call) .num { font-size: 11px; line-height: inherit; left: 0; top: 0; display: inline; width: auto; height: auto; font-weight: bold; position: relative; } #contentCrisisManagement a {color: #d95915;text-decoration: none;} .me-theme-aulani .mediaEngineContainer .shareModal .shareGoogleButton {display: none !important;} #header #mobileDISID input[type="button"] {font-weight: bold; -webkit-appearance: none; -moz-appearance: none; appearance: none; } .detail-pep .card-layout-category-list .read-more-card div.img-container { width: 228px; } ul.checkmark {list-style-position: outside; list-style-type: none;margin-left:-.9em;padding-right:5px;} ul.checkmark li::before { content: "\2713"; %|214129580_3|% } html[lang="ja"] .iwa-calendar-main-navigation { margin-left:20px; } html[lang="ja"] .iwa-calendar-main-navigation li { margin-right:10px; } html[lang="ja"] .iwa-calendar-main-navigation li .nav-item, html[lang="ja"] .iwa-calendar-main-navigation li .nav-item.wider { width: 105px; padding: 6px 5px; } @media screen and /*! 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